libv4l + Webcam Upside-down
Posted on 15-Jul-2010

Start from libv4l-0.6.0, webcam upside-down problem gone.
Download the libv4l and using the below comment to launch your desire program, like Skype.

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ skype

I also find that after upgrade the libv4l on my exist system, my webcam program like cheese or pidgin, can correctly display without enter LD_PRELOAD in the command windows.

FireFox 3.6.x
Posted on 9-Jul-2010

After upgrade from 3.0.x to 3.6.x, we need to add the additional java plugin library for making firefox to enable java.

In the command windows, run below command by root:-

alternatives --install /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/ 1

Posted on 5-Jul-2010

By using UUID to match with your flashdisk, usb pan, removable hardisk, iSCSI using /etc/fstab, you linux desktop will automatically find and map volumes with your pre-define mount point.

1.) Enter "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid" in cli to list the usb device that you want to match with UUID under /etc/fstab.

2.) The UUID number will show behind your usb device id

3.) edit your /etc/fstab as below:-
UUID=3A85-579B /media/usbflash vfat default,iocharset=utf8,users 0 0

Posted on 11-Oct-2009

Last year, I try before Sun's VirtualBox on linux system, now it time for me to try another one , KVM, another technology about Virtual Machine.

KVM is a Kernel-based Virtual Machine which already include in the Kernel Source tree (kvm.ko/kvm-intel.ko/kvm-amd.ko).

I first try the package from KVM, but when I start my windows xp using qemu-kvm, I can't control the mouse point in the windows screen. (No problem if I disable the KVM, but the speed is slow.)

As KVM & QEMU share the code , and QEMU support the kernel driver kvm.ko , kvm-intel and kvm-amd.ko directly. I download the qemu package from QEMU. and build with kqemu and kvm support (replace the package from KVM).

Now, I can start qemu with kvm or with kqemu support and my windows is running smoothly inside the Virtual Machine under Linux

Y510A with TwinView under X-windows
Posted on 03-May-2009

Today, I setup the extenal monitor with my Y510A notebook running twinveiw with Nvidia driver in Xorg.

Lenovo Y510A's Webcam Upside-down solved~!
Posted on 29-April-2009

Although Ubuntu Linux user find the solution to solve the webcam upside-down by patch the kernel source, but my machine just go hang when I do so.

Today, I find the solution that not only no need to patch the kernel source but also provide some special webcam effect to Ekiga / aMsn / Skype linux client.

Downloading vloopback and compile aginst your current kernel source. modprobe vloopback and it will create /dev/video1 & /dev/video2 where video2 is the output streams for Ekiga / aMsn / Skype when using below software to adding special effect and vflip the image.

Downloading WebcamStudio java client, running it as it support vloopback so that you can adding vflip effect to your output streams.

At the movement, the vloopback is for v4l only. If you need v4l2, you better visit v4l2loopback for more information.

Lenovo Y510A's Modem
Posted on 23-April-2009

After review the Linmodems support page, download the slmodem source package, build from source using the internal spec file for CentoS.

Now, I can using the internal modem under CentOS.

CentOS 5.3 with Gnome 2.22
Posted on 29-December-2008

In order to use most up-to-date software in Gnome desktop, I'm using my evening hours at home to manual upgrade from 2.16 to 2.22 (total 5 nights) finish this task.

In the process of upgrade the system, I found that using mouse double click in the desktop at "Trash" or "Computer" icons will show the error message windows ' Failed to execute child process "trash:" (No such file or directory)', The solution to fixed this problem is when compiling Glib2 source package, we need to specific the gvfs's library location (e.g. "configure --with-gio-module-dir=/usr/lib/gio/modules --libdir=/lib".

Lenovo Y510A's webcam
Post on 9-October-2008

After upgrade the official kernel to 2.6.x, make sure that "CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO=m" so that I can using the keyboard to control the brightness of monitor.

And also "CONFIG_PCI_GODIRECT=y" so that it will not show "BIOS is not stardard E820 code error message".

Althought update the lastest kernel version, the webcam still consist of upside-down image problem.

New Website Up & Running
Posted on 28-August-2008

Hello world~!